
  1. Khusrav Naimiyon

  2. 发布时间:2021/11/17   浏览:


KHUSRAV NAIMIYON(李龙),塔吉克斯坦籍,21岁,于202011月至20218月在广西培贤国际职业学院就读长期汉语言进修项目。在毕业典礼中,李龙作为优秀毕业生代表发表讲话:在培贤度过了七个月时光,这七个月,是我人生中最美、最珍贵、最值得回味的七个月。我将会把这七个月时光刻在脑海中,珍藏在记忆里。回想刚来到培贤学院的时候,正是炎炎夏日,听不懂中国话,陌生的环境和用好奇的眼光来看我的中国人都让我感到一些不安,但培贤学院的老师、同学们用热情、友善的态度来对待我,他们把我当成一家人来照顾关爱我。因此我也逐渐爱上平果这个城市,中国这个国家。在中国的时光,对我来说充满了紧张与挑战。在这里我一天也没有松懈过,我每天鼓励自己、考验自己、挑战自己。同时,培贤学院也鼓励我们去追求梦想。在这充满热情的每一天,都让我成长。如今在这离别之际,我的心中除了留恋与不舍,还有珍惜与感激。感谢培贤学院的老师,他们教授我们专业知识。最后,真心祝愿我们的学校培贤学院蒸蒸日上,祝愿我们国际学院桃李芬芳。

KHUSRAV NAIMIYON, Tajikistan, 21 years old, enrolled in the long-term Chinese language program of Guangxi Pexian International College from November 2020 to August 2021. In the graduation ceremony, KHUSRAV delivered speech as the representative outstanding graduate: the seven months I spent in Peixian is the most beautiful, precious and memorable time in my life. I will engrave the seven months in my mind and cherish it in my memory. When I first came to Peixian, it was a hot day. The unfamiliar environment and Chinese people who looked at me with curious eyes all made me feel a little uneasy, but the teachers and students here treated me with enthusiasm and kindness. They treated me as a family member and took care of me. Therefore, I gradually felt in love with the city of Pingguo and the country of China. My time in China was full of tension and challenges. I have never slackened here for a day. I encourage myself, test myself, and challenge myself every day. At the same time, Peixian also encouraged us to pursue our dream. Every day is full of enthusiasm, which made me grow up. Now at this parting moment, in addition to sadness, I also cherish and appreciate it. Thanks to the teachers of Peixian, who taught us professional knowledge. Finally, I sincerely wish our school prosperous, and wish our International School more successful.